Campbell River #72

School District 72 Campbell River Current and Future May 8, 2018 October 20, 2018
Decision Implement Motion* Classroom Motion**
Makers Trustees Voted Election Promise
Trustee Hagen, Daryl In favour ?
Vice-Chair Foster, Ted In favour ?
Trustee Kerr, John Seconded & In favour ?
Trustee Franklin, Richard Proposed & In favour ?
Trustee Kirschner, Gail In favour ?
Trustee McMann, Joyce In favour ?
  Myte, Dinah I will vote for it.
Chairperson Wilson, Susan In favour ?
Superintendent Tom Longridge January 1, 2009 to August 31, 2018
Superintendent Jim Cambridge September 1, 2018 to October 15, 2018
MLA Claire Trevena May 17, 2005 to October 16, 2021

* Implement Motion, from Board meeting minutes

** Classroom Motion
THAT The Board of Education directs the Superintendent to continue to promote a respectful and safe educational environment for all students, as outlined in School District 72’s Board Governance Policy 5 Diversity, Equality and Equity, by removing the Minister’s Sexual Orientation Gender Identity (SOGI) directives including SOGI 123 from classroom instructional time.